Rest day

Other than some rehab routines related to overcoming PFS, today is primarily a rest day. I will therefore mention some of the more basic routines I have been assigned by my physical therapist here.

1. Foam rolling: Here, I have focused on slow rolls on my quad and IT band at several angles.
2. Supine ITB stretch with strap:
3. Thomas stretch lying down on table: Stretches the hip flexor
4. Seated quad set with both straight leg (neutral) and toes/leg pointed out (VMO): "Doctor Jo" demonstrates the principles, but these can also be done seated:
5. Mini squat with most weight on left leg: Of course, I did this today and aggravated my knee injury on my very last rep. I might have done too deep of squat with imperfect form. Use with caution.

Figure Sunrise this morning during my commute.

Nutrition Summary: 1602 cal, 52 g protein, 33 g fiber
