Training Plan For Superior 100

Why post details about training and injury? Because some people on the internet may have similar problems or interests and will like to compare notes. Thus, here's a candid (and likely boring to most readers) journaling of the training for 100-miler with an overuse injury 9 months out from the race.

I've been dealing with patellafemoral pain syndrome since mid December 2019, likely due to quad muscles that were in sad shape, not to mention a hip misalignment (likely related to muscle tightness) creating unequal length legs (longer left leg by 1.5"). I stopped running on Dec. 28th since I felt continuing to run would prolong and likely worsen the injury. This comes at a time that ideally would be suited to building base mileage for the 24-week 100-mile training, but of course, I am taking considerable time off of running to allow the knee to heal, with a lot of cross training. I have been a diva, working with a sports massage therapist, a chiropractor, and a physical therapist, all of which have provided independent approaches that seem to help with general muscle/skeletal dysfunctions from a period of long neglect of running without foam rolling/rehab. Here is a color-coded training plan I have for now (running mileage numbers in miles inside calendar dates). This includes work already accomplished. I suspect the February running miles will be pared back since I still have knee pain. I will continue to do daily rehab type stuff through the race (like foam rolling, strengthening exercises, mobility exercises). The 24 weeks leading up to Superior is actually based off of Bryan Powell's "70 MPW" plan, with some adaptations to include additional cross training (e.g., strength, swimming) and account for some fun training races thrown in. There's a high likelihood the training plan will be adapted as time goes on (e.g., unscheduled days off if the body's feeling broken to a perilous degree).

Today, I also went to physical therapy. My physical therapist tried dry needling into my left hip flexor area and also primary quad muscle (outer left side of left leg). It seemed to have a significant impact on my muscle tightness. Tightness I didn't know I had. I would be happy to try it again. It will be interesting to see if it has any impact on my knee injury.

Workout today: Mostly strength, including leg rehab and upper body/core
Nutrition today: 1751 calories, 82 g protein, 43 g fiber
